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Women's Circles


Sarah shared a sketch with you 4.png

Wednesday Morning Circle 


I hold a monthly Wednesday morning circle at HeartSpace, my home cabin. It has become a beautiful pit-stop mid-week, to re-centre, find stillness and connect with other women. 


Each gathering explores a different essential sharing for women - in mindfulness, self-care, radical rest, meditation, owning our power, connecting to our inner rhythms, finding our voice and knowing our needs. We begin with a brew and a biscuit, and check in with where we have landed and what our needs are. We end with a wonderful Nidra, recorded and sent to you, to enjoy for the rest of the week.  


Wednesdays 9.30am -11.15am

HeartSpace, Cold Meece, Stone


We meet monthly

Next ones Wednesday 12th June and 17th July then again from September onwards...




Bring some warm socks and a blanket if you like.


Get in touch to join our What's App group where details and nidras are shared.


Kindly make payment via Paypal before noon on the day to confirm your space. Thank you.xx



"It's a really valuable time for me, thanks to everyone for their love & kindness" S. April 2019


"I really enjoy coming and look forward to it - such a beautiful, caring & supportive group. Thank you." L, June 2019


"Thank you for an extremely profound, open, honest, vulnerable, authentic session this morning. I feel like I gained so much from it today. Thank you Su for holding the space for us" L, July 2019


"Thank you for this morning, I feel topped up with the feminine & ready to meet the World!" Liz 2021


"You are so special to do what you do Su! Thank you." Lesley 2022








Wednesday Evening Circle


Take a bit of time for yourself towards the end of a busy week to re-fill and replenish. This Circle is especially for women. We have been gathering together on Wednesday evenings for over 10 years, with ever-changing women who find it when they need it, and return again when they are ready. It's fondly referred to as 'Mums Yoga' !!


We focus on stretching and strengthening, relaxing and releasing, all the bits that get tired and over burdened from our backs and shoulders, to our heads and hearts. We follow a seasonal flow of themes. Expect guided meditations, movement/energy flows, card picks, sharing in circle, yoga nidra. 


We usually run in term time. It is an extremely nurturing space to share and connect with others. It's fun, friendly and not at all cliquey. You are welcome, exactly as you are....


Wednesdays, once a month

7.30pm - 9.00pm on Zoom.

Next ones resume in the Autumn




Bring a mat and a blanket, cushion & chocolate!

Jim Jams welcome!


Get in touch to join our What's App group where details and nidras/ meditation recordings are shared after the session.


Kindly make payment via Paypal before noon on the day to confirm your space. Thank you.xx




"Thank you for a wonderful class. You are like a soothing balm for the soul" Emma 2011


"I always sleep amazing after Mums Yoga and have dropped whatever worry I come in with" Sarah 2013


"My favourite night of the week!" Andra 2018


"You weave such a safe, holding presence in our circles. I always feel like you bring out the best in us all, we all leave better for spending time with you" Claire 2019


"It's simply the best thing, being in circle with women, feeling heard, and seen. Thank you for creating such a safe space, Su." Jo 2021


"Super lovely evening with beautiful souls, thanks so much Su for holding us all Su." Donna 2022



Sarah shared a sketch with you 4.png
Sarah shared a sketch with you 4.png
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